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Mariager Fjord – Lovnkær and Helberskov
(central site, eastern boarder of Jutland)

 Mariager FjordMariager Fjord. Eel grass establishment (green) in connection with the wetland project (yellow).


Project Measures

In the outer part of Mariager Fjord, several ambitious nature restoration initiatives are being carried out in coordination with a wetland project on the inland side:

  • Re-establishment of salt meadows and a dynamic coastal zone through the relocation of dikes and the restoration of natural hydrology.
  • Restoration of natural hydrology in the salt meadow by removing drainage ditches.
  • Expansion of eelgrass beds in the outer part of Mariager Fjord to create larger, contiguous eelgrass meadows that enhance biodiversity.
  • Establishment/expansion of mussel beds as a method to further strengthen marine ecosystems.
  • Botanical restoration through the re-establishment of unique coastal saline habitats for rare salt meadow species.
  • Optimization of the nature restoration area (salt meadow) to ensure its suitability as a habitat for birds.

Additional initiatives include:

  • Facilities for the public to enhance experiences and communicate the area's unique natural values.
  • Involvement of local schools through educational programs that provide students with a deeper understanding of salt meadows and the fjord as a natural habitat and its role in the ecosystem


Eelgrass Planting

In the summer of 2024, in collaboration with the University of Southern Denmark and volunteers, 18,000 eelgrass shoots were planted at carefully selected locations in the outer part of Mariager Fjord. The first shoots were harvested near Als Odde and then attached to small iron nails to anchor the plants to the seabed. The planted area now covers approximately 1.1 hectares, spread across two locations in the outer fjord. The University of Southern Denmark is monitoring the development of the eelgrass beds and investigating, among other things, the spread of new shoots. The results will provide valuable insights into how eelgrass can be effectively re-established in coastal areas.

Alongside the restoration work, both the plant communities and birdlife in the area are being closely monitored to document the impact of the various initiatives.






An eelgrass shoot tied to an iron nail with wire, ready to be planted in the fjord.An eelgrass shoot tied to an iron nail with iron wire, ready yo be planted in the fjord.

  The eelgrass shoots are planted manually in a pattern that ensures rapid spread.

The eelgrass shoots are planted manually in a patternthat ensures rapid spread.
The photo was taken by Os Om Havet.


The project area south of Lovnkær. At high tide, the dike’s position and the fjord’s boundary are clearly visible.
The project area south of Lovnkær. At high tide, the dike’s position and the fjord’s boundary are clearly visible.